Top 20 SAP BTP Interview Questions and Answers

SAP BTP (Business Technology Platform) is a promising cloud technology platform in the ERP world and is a front-runner in SAP’s Cloud journey. In this blog post, let’s know about the commonly asked Top 20 SAP BTP Interview Questions and Answers.

Top 20 SAP BTP Interview Questions and Answers –

Q1. What is SAP BTP?

AnsSAP BTP is a set of SAP Technologies that enables businesses to transform data into value. SAP BTP offers many solutions like databases, analytics, integration, programming tools, and data warehouses. Customers can use these solutions to fulfill their business requirements without any complexity in building the applications and maintaining any infrastructure.

The full form of BTP is ‘Business Technology Platform’. Initially, this cloud platform was known as SAP Cloud Platform. In 2021, SAP rebranded it to SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP).

Q2. What are the basic components of SAP BTP? or What are the Pillars of SAP BTP?

AnsThe basic components of the SAP Business Technology Platform are Application Development, Integration, Database Management and Analytics, Automation, and the Newest Technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine Learning (ML). These are also termed as ‘Pillars of SAP BTP’.

Also Read – Offerings of SAP BTP

Q3. What is SAP BTP Cloud Foundry?

Ans Cloud Foundry (CF) is an open-source cloud-native platform as a service (PaaS), which allows the development of cloud applications, supporting multiple programming languages, multiple runtimes, libraries, and services. This includes application deployment, application lifecycle management, and more.

Q4. What are the Use-Cases of SAP BTP?

AnsThree main use-cases for SAP BTP are Data-to-Value, Integration, and Extensibility. SAP BTP is also used for many use cases like automating procurement ordering processes, creating mobile apps to empower and engage your employees to be more efficient, digitizing paper-based processes in SAP S/4 HANA on-premise, planning and predicting workforce demand, etc.

Q5. What are the Services of SAP BTP?

AnsAs of September 2023, there are 91 services available as part of SAP BTP. These services belong to many solutions like Application Development and Automation, Data and Analytics, Integration, AI, etc. Below are some of the important services –

  • Cloud Foundry Runtime
  • SAP Business Application Studio
  • SAP HANA Cloud
  • Destination
  • Authorization and Trust Management
  • Cloud Transport Management
  • OAuth 2.0
  • SAP Analytics Cloud

Also Read Services of SAP BTP

Q6. Does SAP BTP follow multi-cloud architecture? What does multi-cloud refer to?

Ans Yes, multi-cloud architecture is the basis of SAP BTP. Due to its multi-cloud compatibility, BTP allows you to choose from different infrastructures, environments, and runtimes. Multi-cloud refers to the ability to deploy the solution on any cloud infrastructure provider like Amazon Web Service (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, or the SAP infrastructure.

Q7. What is the difference between SAP SCP and SAP BTP?

Ans SCP is ‘SAP Cloud Platform’ and BTP is ‘Business Technology Platform’ and they are one and the same. Initially, this cloud platform was known as SAP Cloud Platform (SCP). In 2021, SAP rebranded it to SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP).

Q8. What are the pricing models of SAP BTP?
  • SAP BTP Free Tier – It is a free tier service plan. It is excellent for new users so that they can explore the use cases as per their interest. It has some limitations in terms of usage capacity.
  • Pay-As-You-Go – It is a commercial model. Best suited for those who want to try out new business processes with SAP BTP or are constrained by budget, as you have to pay only for what you use.
  • CPEA (Cloud Platform Enterprise Agreement)- It is a commercial model. You pay in advance for cloud credits. You will get access to all services available under CPEA but your cloud credits will be consumed only for those services which you used.
  • Subscription – It is a commercial model. You have to select a fixed set of services for a fixed rate, regardless of actual consumption.
Q9. What is SAP HANA Cloud?

AnsSCP HANA Cloud is a fully managed, in-memory data platform which is a data management layer of the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). SAP HANA Cloud can power any SAP application as well as any third-party application to provide fast performance using in-memory features and advanced parallel processing.

Q10. What are the types of SAP HANA Cloud instances?

AnsThere are two types of SAP HANA Cloud instances available while creating instances in SAP HANA Cloud Central. They are –

  • SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA Database – It is an in-memory and multi-model database system to store and analyze data which allows for real-time data analytics.
  • SAP HANA Cloud, Data Lake It securely and efficiently stores, manages, and analyses large amounts of unstructured and structured data.

Also Read – How to Create SAP HANA Cloud Instance?

Q11. True or False.

For a trial account, your SAP HANA Cloud instance will be automatically stopped overnight, according to the server region’s time zone –> True

Q12. What is the use of SAP HANA Cloud Central?

AnsSAP HANA Cloud Central is used for the provisioning and maintenance of SAP HANA Cloud instances. Cloud Central is used to perform database administration tasks on SAP HANA Cloud databases and data lakes that you have access to.

Q13. Which data administration tasks can be performed in SAP HANA Cloud Central?

AnsSAP HANA Cloud Central is used to perform below data administration tasks on SAP HANA Cloud databases and SAP HANA Cloud data lakes –

  • To check the status of all SAP HANA Cloud instances you have access
  • Change the configuration of an instance
  • Deploy new SAP HANA Cloud instances
  • Check configured memory, compute, and storage consumption of an instance
  • Start, stop, and delete the instances
  • Add data lake to an existing instance
  • Open the SAP HANA Cockpit and Database Explorer for an instance.

Also Read – SAP HANA Cloud Central

Q14. What is cloud connector?

AnsThe cloud connector serves as a link between SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) applications and your on-premise systems. It facilitates to use of existing on-premise options and runs as an on-premise agent. It provides smooth control over your on-premise systems and resources which will be accessed by cloud applications.

Q15. How many SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA Database instance you can create in a trial SAP BTP account and in an enterprise SAP BTP account?

AnsYou can create one SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA Database instance in a trial SAP BTP account. While in an enterprise SAP BTP account, the number of database instances depends on your entitlements in the license agreement with SAP.

Q16. Explain about security concept naming ‘Roles’ of SAP BTP.

AnsRoles are provided from the SAP BTP services you use. Roles are based on role templates, which are provided by applications. Roles decide which features users can view and access, and which actions they can perform.  User roles are derived from role templates that are defined in the security descriptor file (xs-security.json) of the application.

Also Enroll to »» Udemy course SAP BTP Training – From Basics to Advanced [Hands-on] to learn in detail about – Applying Roles based Security to CAP Services, Generating Roles in xs-security file, Creating and Managing Role Collections, and Testing the Fiori Application using Postman.

Q17. Explain about Role Collections of SAP BTP.

AnsRole collection is comprised of one or more roles. You can add or remove roles, and you can also add or remove users or user groups to the role collections. To perform these maintenance actions, the user should have administration access.

You can assign role collections to users, but not individual roles. Role collections can be managed at the global account level and at the subaccount level. Role collections that exist in the global account are not available in the subaccounts. Also, role collections at the subaccounts level are not available in the global account.

Q18. Suppose in the subaccount, you are not able to view the left-hand sidebar navigation options like Services, Security, and Entitlements then to get at least the read access for those options which Role Collection access request will you raise?

AnsSubaccount Viewer

Q19. Name a few administrator role collections provided by SAP BTP.
  • Global Account Administrator
  • Subaccount Administrator
  • Directory Administrator
  • Destination Administrator
  • Cloud Connector Administrator
Q20. Does SAP BTP include CPI (Cloud Platform Integration) also?

Ans – Yes, SAP integration suite is one of the offerings of SAP BTP. It helps to quickly integrate on-premise and cloud-based services, processes, applications, data, and events.

» Other Interview Questions…

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Conclusion – 

Congrats! I hope the above 20 SAP BTP Interview Questions will help in your interview preparation and will help you to clarify the concepts as well. All the very best!!!

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Free Step-by-Step SAP BTP Training Tutorial Exercises

What is SAP BTP? | SAP BTP Introduction
How to create SAP BTP Trial Account?
How to create SAP HANA Cloud Instance?
Create SAP Fiori Application with SAP CAP and SAP HANA Cloud – Part 1
Create SAP Fiori Application with SAP CAP and SAP HANA Cloud – Part 2
Add Security to SAP Fiori Application with XSUAA and Approuter

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